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Reflection of 1st year at Cambridge

〜一年間の振り返り〜 〜Reflection on this past year 〜 (English on the bottom)



まずロボットから。10月の入学時から部活立ち上げと同時に始めたRapidly Manufactured Robot Competition (RMRC) 部門でこの度六月末に開催されたロボカップ世界大会に出場しました。結果は11チーム中8位という今までには経験したことない悲惨なものでした。大会中でこのような結果になった原因はモーターのギアヘッドを特定の条件下で使用すると壊れてしまうことにより、結果瓦礫をバンバン乗り越えるはずのものが動かないという状況に陥ってしまったことです。大学での動作テストでは一度も起きなかった問題でいわゆる「想定外」になるのですが、正直根本的な問題は初期から見えていたものです。

1. 技術不足 2. 仲間不足 3. 時間不足

技術力はそのままです。今までレゴでなんちゃってロボットを作って来たから何をしたくてもゼロからのスタートになります。ソフトや制御系を担当できる人材はいても残念ながらメカをできる人がいないというのは今後もチームの大きな課題点となるでしょう。仲間不足というのは表面的には何人もメンバーがいたので問題ではなかったのですが、実際のところ何度も(特に学校の休暇期間一人で作業していた時)ロボット製作での孤独感を感じました。今までいかにコウキKokiと布柴先生Arataの三人でやって来たチームがよかったのかを感じる瞬間でした。良かったことは一年を通して色々な出来事を経て今はそのような仲間ができたと思っています。また、12月に財団生の大澤さんに教えてもらったように組織というのは本当に人と人とのチームワークでできていると一年を通して真に思いました 。時間不足というのは言わずとも勉強との両立です。かつてはロボットしてる時は勉強はせず、のように一つに専念していましたが、今回は勉強もガチです。そのため結構な時間を勉強に取られなかなか進歩が生み出せない、そういうジレンマを抱えながらの一年でした。


勉強に移りますが、これはロボットほどではなくとも想定外の連続でなかなか難しかったところです(特にロボットとの両立)。最初に入った時よりはるかに時間がかかり(いっとき頑張るのではなくコンスタントに勉強させられる環境)、さらには内容や問題集も想定以上でした。また、ここでは再試もなければ留年もないので落ちたら終わり。さらには、年末のテストで約9割の成績が決まるので在校生は全員テスト一ヶ月前くらいから全力で勉強します。僕もロボットがあったもののこれも目標の一つなのでテスト2週間くらい前からはほとんどの日を図書館で過ごしたまに数時間ロボット活動した程度でしょう。今までとは違いやればやるほどわからなくなるものもあり(特に力学、熱力学、構造!!)、その実態は2度目の大学受験をするようでした。試験自体は最初の力学/熱力学/流体力学のペーパーを除けば(これはガチで最悪だった)それなりに予想通りのペースが出せて、結果学年上位14%という結果でした。もちろん 決して最高とは言えませんが一学期目が終わった時点で問題全然解けなかった普通の人でも努力すればいいところまでは成し遂げることができると誰よりも自分に対して証明できました。




自分の話が長くなりましたが、こういうバカみたいにロボットを続けられたのは入学式の日に工学部を訪れた時に最初に会って今でもロボットのディスカッションを続けているJosieのおかげでもあります。ロボット関係のことすべて(部活の立ち上げ、技術面、ロボカップジュニアTC の仕事)において彼女のサポートなしでは絶対無理でした。


振り返り終わりです(やっと)。で、今は何をやっているのか?「自分は努力するしか術がない」というテーマに乗って今はあまり一年間を通して経験できなかったソフトウェア開発の技術アップのために七月から三ヶ月Hawk-Eye Innovations のソフトウェア開発部門のインターンとして活動します(っていうかしています)。帰宅後や土日は来年のロボット製作のプランなどを仲間と共に練っています。二年生は一年生より難しく忙しいらしいので正直ちょっとやばいかもしれません。また、来年から二年間かけて次はロボカップレスキュー実機リーグへの参加を本気プランしているので、また面白く濃い濃い一年になることでしょう。



Although its actually 9 months from October to July, this time for me was so much more an interesting, stressful, tiring, and fulfilling time. At first, I was writing about my whole year chronologically, but I decided to stop because it was becoming way too long and way too personal. Instead I will focus more on results, and the reflection/evaluation on them.

Throughout this year, I basically spent my time on two activities: robotics and studies.

Starting off with robotics. From last October when I began working on the Rapidly Manufactured Robot Competition (RMRC) as a team leader, and our team managed to qualify and participate in the RoboCup international competition, which was held during the end of June in Montreal, Canada. As the result of the competition, we came 8th out of 11th team, which was honestly a heat-breaking result that I have genuinely never experienced before. A key reason to this conclusion was due to our main motor gearheads becoming worn out in a certain situation on a run, making them useless, which lead to us using all the spares and having a rescue robot which is supposed to navigate over rubble, but instead does not move. On the face of it, it was quite unlucky given that this problem never occurred back in Cambridge, but to be honest it was an accident waiting to happen which had to do with core problems we (and me personally) faced from the very beginning.

1. Lack of skill and experience 2. Lack of a good team 3. Lack of time

The first point is as it sounds. We (and I) simply don’t have the necessary skills and experience to build a robot. My skills and experience basically goes back to square one, as my specialty was with Lego Mindstorms based robots which is definitely not helpful here. We still have a big gap when it comes to mechanical design and manufacturing, which is a problem that must be overcome in the following years. With the number of people who signed up to the society and the RMRC team, it is obvious that we had a team. But much of the time, especially for the mechanics, it was me alone working on my own to meet deadlines; which made me feel quite isolated and lonely at times. It was a moment to fully notice the lack of individuals passionate and with capable skills on building hardware, and the poor leadership skills of me. Moreover, I came to a realization that our team back in my Junior days with my mentor and Koki, was absolutely phenomenal, and I truly missed working with them; discussing, experimenting, and overcoming problems. The good news is, after one year of struggling, I think there is hope for a good team with the current individuals working towards next year’s work. Thirdly, the lack of time. Of course, this is due to the sheer amount of work and study periods that needed fitting in the schedule. It was first time where I had to balance studies and robotics at an equal level, leaving myself with a dilemma to spend time on which activity each day and a worry that both will go wrong catastrophically.

At the end of the day, it was a combination of all these problems that lead to this competition and result. One of the most disappointing feelings is when this problem is what I have been telling other teams/students I have taught to look into carefully and take more time to overcome. But I fell into the same exact trap. Although I focused much on the negative sides, the competition itself and the overall process was such an amazing learning experience. And I hope this was the case for others involved in this team, because that’s what counts for the coming years. The most important thing now is not to make the same mistakes and misjudgments again, and I will not. This will indeed become a stepping stone to the next success.

Changing the topic, studies (and mostly exam prep) was although not as much as robotics but was super time consuming, and challenging at the same time (most challenging to continue both activities tbh). I have underestimated the lifestyle of constantly studying (rather than mostly only studying before exams), and also underestimated the difficulty of the questions and the style of the exam. With no re-sits, retaking the year, and having one big exam at the end of the year, failing means failing, making everyone a study machine towards exam time. In addition, (especially on mechanics, thermofluids, and structures!!) multiple times I was in a situation where the more I spend time the more I realize that I know nothing about these topics, which raised my anxiety levels quite a bit. The exam itself, excluding the first paper which went horribly wrong, was quite according to plan (although I could have done better avoiding careless errors), and did somehow end up managing to get a 1st.

So after this super stressful first year, what did I learn? What did I gain? And what is the path I am going to take? I could list all the small bits and pieces, but at the moment it boils down to me being active and putting in the effort and time in a planned and efficient to obtain the skills, to obtain the qualities of who I wish to be. And there seems to be no other easy route. (obviously not a huge discovery, but more of a reconfirmation)

Limited technical skills and know-how, little experience as a leader, and I am defiantly not a genius I academics. So, what CAN I actually do? Especially now that I see all the amazing individuals from the Masayoshi Son Foundation, doing their own exciting and mind-blowing activities, I quite easily go down the path of under-evaluating myself. But unfortunately, problems and tasks do not go away just by sitting around. And I definitely do not want to become the one who complains but takes no action. So like now, if I keep on choosing to take the path with greater challenges and difficulties, I must be ambitious, gain, and take on everything that I can. Like with robotics, I believe that failures if dealt well will definitely 100% lead to the next success.

My life; the place I live and people that surround me, has changed dramatically throughout the last year. And it is defiantly the case that those around me are living a similar life as me. So as long as I am able to do so, I won’t stop my efforts to keep on pushing forward with those around me.

My own experiences and reflection on robotics continued for a while, but I need to squeeze in a big thank you to Josie who helped me throughout the year. Pretty much all of robotics stuff would not have happened without her.

And absolutely I cannot express my appreciate to mom for listening to my problems at 5 in the morning back home, helping me out emotionally during difficult times, and sending me so many packages from Japan throughout the year. It was also the best to get to see you in Montreal. Thank you so so much for the support and love.

In terms of now and the future, I am going with my “more effort, more ambition” theme and currently doing an internship at Hawk-Eye Innovations in the software development section. The time after work and weekends, I do want to continue plans on next year’s robotics work, and some self-study on topics I wanted to but did not have the time to during term. More importantly, I am now seriously working towards participating in the rescue major competition after spending 2 years of R&D. It’s more than sure that next year, and the coming ones will be like this one or even more densely packed.

Thank you for those who read this far down! (picture of Homerton College looking great with snow)


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