あけましておめでとうございます!2021年の振り返り、2022年の抱負、将来の方向性など。 Happy new year 2022! A short reflection of 2021, goals for 2022, professional aspirations (English follows)
自らの限りある能力や技術を活かすことでで何ができるか?ロボティクスという分野の未来の発展には何が欠けていて自分はそれに対して何ができるのか?など漠然とした質問を何度も自問自答しました。結果たどり着いたのはDexterous Manipulationという分野。大きく捉えるとロボットを使って人の手で行うような物体を操作する技術の研究・開発を行っていく分野です。
博士課程では主に僕のより得意とする「ものづくり」の方面からロボットハンドのハード及び制御器の同時最適化についての研究を進めていきます(簡潔に言えばはロボットの「手」をより上手に作っていく方法を構築していく研究です)。研究室はスイスのローザンヌにあるEPFLに去年の五月に新しく立ち上げられたCREATE Labというところで、PhD第一期生として自由に楽しく日々を過ごしています。仲間もかなり多様なバックグラウンドを持っていて刺激も多く、今はおかげさまで文句なしの研究生活を過ごしています。
良いスタートが切れた2021年の後半→2022年ですが、今後の人生どう進んでいくのか?もちろん長い人生どの方向に物事が進んでいくかなんてわかりません。ただ今はこのDexterous Manipulationの分野の研究を世界の最前線で行いたい、そしてその研究で培った技術と成果を元に10、20、30年後この分野での実用化を行いたいと結構本気で思っています。ロボットハンドの技術は今はまだまだ未熟で、環境が整った場所にのみおいて簡易化されたシステムが使用されています。例えば人が生活・活動する状況下で自律的に動作するロボットを作りたい場合、複雑な物体操作は一つの技術の肝になります。その技術を未来のロボットに与えることができるような研究を僕はしていきたいです。
そこで、2022年では: 1. 査読論文(第一著者)を最低3本、全体では最低5本提出する 2. 自分の研究分野をより深く理解する(文献レビューをちゃんとする) 3. 技術的なプロジェクトを全てやり抜く(2,3個大きいのを抱えています。形になればまたアップします)
(ENGLISH) Last year, 2021 was a year with many big changes for me. Following my masters graduation, I moved from Cambridge to Lausanne. Likewise, it was also a year to set concrete directions in my professional life. The decision to move towards a PhD has been something I wanted to do for over two years, but what lies ahead was unknown (based on my 2020 reflection, deciding upon my PhD topic of focus was one of my goals for 2021).
If I am going to work on a PhD (and I was), I wanted this to be the beginning of a long journey. I wanted to find a problem that is central to the advancements of robotics in the next many decades, while fitting well with my practical skills and interests. It isn’t exciting if it’s not challenging on many time scales. In the end, (as many know already) I decided to dive deeply into the field of dexterous manipulation - a field looking to extend the ability for robots to use “hands” to reach (and go beyond) what we humans can do.
In the next four years of doing a PhD, I will have a first stab at this field by mainly looking to improve the development of robot hands by simultaneous optimization of the hardware and controller (to put it simply, it’s research on improving the design process of robot hands). The lab I belong to - CREATE Lab, was just set up last year in EPFL. As one of the first set of PhD students, I have been able to work quite freely making use of all of my prototyping skills. My colleagues are from varying technical backgrounds, and the day-to-day work has been stimulating and enjoyable so far.
The beginning of my PhD life has indeed been a good start. But where do I plan to go in the long term? Of course, it is unknowable what life brings about. But as of now I strongly aspire to become the leading researcher in the forefront of robotic dexterous manipulation. Looking 10, 20, 30 years ahead in the future, I want to use whatever know-how and technical skills to implement such robotic systems in society. The technology of robot hands and manipulation is still very underdeveloped, and only functions in highly constrained environments - especially out of the lab. As we (and I) look towards possible futures of robotic systems being used more and more beside humans, the ability to complexly interact with objects in the world is undoubtedly necessary. I want to be proud of my work that pushes the research enabling such technological advancements.
So far, these are simply just my aspirations but have limited backing up (I also believe that without aiming big, what could have been achieved may not be). When my PhD journey comes towards an end, I want the necessary achievements and results as a researcher that concretely support such aspirations. At the moment I am more and more gravitating towards a career in academia, but I am still keeping the possible paths for a startup or researcher at some company open.
Having said all this, in 2022 I will aim to: 1. Submit a minimum of three first author papers, and altogether 5 papers 2. Have a clear view and understanding of my field of research (properly do the literature review) 3. Follow through on all technical projects (I have a few big ones in the pipeline, which I want to share when they take shape).
Although it has been over 10 years being involved in robotic activities, this is the first time that robotics is officially my main task/job. To be able to work on what you love is a huge privilege, and I appreciate all the events and interactions that have led to here. To the people I have met and influenced me throughout this path, all my friends, and of course my family, thank you so so much. I don’t take this opportunity for granted, and will make the most out of it.
I hope 2022 serves well for everyone.
Photos are of the beautiful Lavaux vineyards next to Lausanne in the summer and winter.